My son had to complete a seatbelt assignment for driver's ed. He had to watch cars and record each passenger as male/female/child and restrained/unrestrained. He had to get in 30 cars. I took him errand running with me and he sat in the car while I was in the post office, etc... Final results? Just over 25% of the cars he saw had unrestrained people in them. Really? I never would have guessed that so many people didn't wear seatbelts. At least none of them were children.
We got down to the last car, we were in a Walmart parking lot and I parked next to a 20 something girl who had just gotten in her car. We figured he could watch and see if she put on her seat belt and he'd be finished. So we waited while she:
put her hair in a ponytail
put a headband on her head to hold back the strays that didn't fit in the pony tail
tried a different headband
did something that looked like change her bra (I wouldn't let my son look)
I think she slipped off some sweats that were over shorts, but I didn't want to look too closely (once again, I made my son look away)
change her shoes
fussed a bit with her make-up
And I'm not sure what all else because we were trying not to look too much. We spent a good 10 minutes waiting for her to leave so he could write down if she put her seatbelt on or not. She didn't, but was that because she doesn't wear a seatbelt or because she wanted to get away from the crazies in the car next to her?