13 June 2014

The Boy

Our boy dog is 5 years older than the girls.  We came back from nearly two weeks gone and he seems rather listless, lacking in energy.  We had people living here while we were gone to tend the dogs, but I suppose the dogs had more time alone than they are used to.  I hope he perks up now that I'm back.  Soon, too, because I have that conference next week and I'll be gone for 3 nights.  The rest of the family will be here, but he's mostly just attached to me.

12 June 2014


Do you drive faster on the way home?  I do.  I know I do and I tell myself not to (I already drive fast enough), but every time I come home from a long trip, I find myself flying down the last few miles of freeway at a speed I would not even consider on a regular day.