This is something I have always struggled with as a teacher. Whose job is it to get students to finish work they didn't complete before the deadline? In the old days I hunted them down like a sniper. Nowadays though, all of that assignment information is available online, easily available for parents to look up any time night or day.
So my thinking is that if the parents care what grade their students get, they'll get after their students to get it done. If they want my help, they'll ask me for it. I shouldn't have to harp on them constantly at school. I'm not saying I never talk about it. I give them lists of missing work at least once a week and there's a reward activity each Wednesday for students who have everything turned in. It's the chronic non-workers that are killing me. I have about 8 of them. Do I keep them in from every recess and hold them back from every special? Or do I figure their parents can deal with it and move on to other stuff? I want to let the parents deal with it, but I also know that they won't ever stand a chance of passing a test if they never do an assignment.
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