15 March 2014

Friends and Invitations

Have you ever noticed that among friends there are the inviters and the invitees?  If you're one of the former, you know what I mean.  Are you the one that always has to suggest doing something?  Some friends never invite you round or suggest getting together.   Maybe they're the popular ones that have enough invitations they don't have time to issue them?  Maybe they're just lazy?  I don't think they do it on purpose.   At least not all of them.  Still, sometimes it can be hard to be the inviter all the time and never the invitee.  You feel like you're doing all the work.  You feel like maybe they don't value your friendship, that they're just too polite to tell you they'd rather not.  Jeez, can't you take a hint?  None of this is necessarily true, but there are days when you wonder "why bother."  Everyone likes to be asked occasionally.     

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