24 September 2011

Even when I'm organized, I'm not

It's hard to remember, but there was a time when I made lists of everything that needed to be done and crossed them off as I did them.  I actually belonged to an online group with 8 other ladies and we posted our lists, talked about what we were able to accomplish during the day and our kids, etc...  The online group started as a yahoo group, went over to a message board, but pretty much died when facebook was born.  We're all friends on facebook, but we don't interact as much there.  You don't say the same things on such a public place that you might say on a private message board.  I miss that.  I have things I'd like to say that I don't want to post to the whole world.  
Must be time to have breakfast with the girlfriends, but the date we were talking last wasn't until October.  <sigh>

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